Tag Archives: crocheted

Just A Quickie

Just A Quickie

Y’all, I leave tomorrow! As in 24 hours until the beach. Last night Hubs and I had a going away get together at our favorite bar (which just so happens to be the same bar we met in) and so many of our friends and family went out of their way to show up to give us their love and support. It was emotional and a blast… and my head only hurts a little today, so I must have done something right haha

That said, between all of the packing my crochet breaks really turned into a lifesaving device PLUS I made a new bag! It’s funny how and when inspiration hits us (take me, typing this… on my phone… in bed). I was packing all of my yarn and found a work in progress that I didn’t start in the basket of yarn my dad gave me from storage a couple years back. It looked like two squares attached by two straps, but not quite big enough to use for anything. I studied the granny squares it was made up of, added a few more, added a little embellishment, and it was probably the best little purse I’ve made yet! I can’t believe how handy it is that I just started figuring out granny squares… what last week?

So! Next week I’m going to make a couple more from scratch and write the pattern.

Actually it fits my hook case perfectly, I’m thinking this is my new project bag!

Happy Sunday!
The next time I post, I’ll have sand between my toes 🙂

Determined to be Spring Minded


I can’t believe Monday and Tuesday have both come and gone already! We’re nearing moving day and it seems like every day as I’m checking things off of the to do list, more pop up or hours disappear on tasks that I thought would only take minutes.

5 more days…

I’m still making time for some crocheting even if I haven’t posted in a couple of days. It’s been cold and dreary, so in order to cheer myself up I’m making a variety of spring things for my new stitch markers! I’m tired of the grey, so I’m going to focus on these cute, bright reminders that warmth is on the way. They’re a nice small project I can sit and complete while I’m getting things done around the house. I’m averaging one a day, so I only have two so far. I really dig them! Hopefully as my pace picks up and more items drop off the move list, I’ll be able to complete a couple a day.IMG_20150325_142713

I’ve made a few stitch markers in the past, but I haven’t been entirely satisfied with them and it’s usually because of whatever it was I made to hang. I do love the lobster claws as opposed to the open hooks though. They attach easily with one hand, don’t fall off, don’t get caught on my yarn while I’m working… really efficient. I’ll keep y’all posted as I make more. I’d like to complete a set of 10. I think that’s a manageable goal for me right now.

I also think that’s where my focus is this week. Making manageable goals to not let my creative habits slide to make room for my obligations.

I’m determined to be productive and celebrate my creativity!

I can totally get all of the things done… you just wait.

See You Next Year, St. Pat


Another St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone.20150318_143359_Richtone(HDR)-1

It’s funny. Five years ago I never would have thought that I’d be out on St. Patrick’s sitting in a quiet(ish) booth with my husband planning closet space, playing trivia… and having the time of my life! Twelve days to go.

Anyway. I’ve recently discovered the pleasure that are granny squares. Since I started crocheting regularly again, I’ve been so focused on crocheting things I could either wear or make use of, that I haven’t really played. Just played! With different stitches, different yarn weights, patterns, textures… I should have done this AGES ago!

I think this one for St. Pat’s came out pretty good. So if anyone wants to play along or make suggestions or share alterations they made, here is how I did it.

I used standard worsted weight yarn in Dark Green, Light Green, White, and Gold and my handy H-8/5 mm hook.

Stitches/techniques used:

Magic Ring

CH = chain

SL = slip stitch

SC = single crochet

HDC = half double crochet

DC = double crochet

TR = treble crochet

PS = puff stitch

CS = cluster stitch

Row 1 (Dark Green): Turn a magic ring and SC 12 around, pull closed, SL to join

Row 2 (Dark Green): CH 3, DC in first SC and in each one after that, SL to join with the CH 3, tie off and change colors

Row 3 (Light Green): SL through center, *CH 7, skip 3 posts and SL through center,* repeat *-* x 3, SL to join to first loop (4 loops), tie off and change colors

Row 4 (Dark Green): SL around loop from Row 3 leaving a long tail; approx 2 inches,IMG_20150317_115829 *HDC x 2 around loop, DC x 2, TR x 2, DC x1, HDC x 1, TR x 2, DC x 2, HDC x 2,* HDC around next loop and repeat *-*, continue like this around each following loop, SL to join to initial loop, SC around the tail from the beginning of the row, continue to SC down the tail until about 1/2″ from the end, attach the end back on itself to create a small loop

20150317_124456_Richtone(HDR)Row 5 (Light Green): SL in space between DCs from Row 2 to start the next row, *CH 2, CS in each of the next 3 spaces,* repeat *-* x 3, CH 2, SL to first CH 2 to join, tie off and change colors

Row 6 (White): SL in corner space, CH 2, CS in same space using the CH 2 as first part of the stitch, *CS in each of the next 2 spaces,CS – CH 2 – CS in corner space,* repeat *-* x 2, CS in next 2 spaces, CS – CH 2 in final space, SL to join to CH 2, tie off and change colors

Row 7 (Gold): SL in corner space, CH 2, CS in same space using the CH 2 as first part of the stitch, *DC x 4 in next space, HDC x 4 in next, DC x 4 in final space for that side, CS – CH 2 – CS in corner space,* repeat x 2, DC x 4, HDC x 4, DC x 4, CS – CH 2 in final space, SL to join to CH 2, tie off and change colors

Row 8 (White): SL in corner space, CH 2, CS is same space using the CH 2 as first part of the stitch, CH 2, *(PS, CH 2,) repeat (-) x 3, CS – CH 2 – CS, CH 2,* repeat *-* x 2, repeat (-) x 4, CS in final space, CH 2, SL to join, tie off and change colors

I’m not planning on turning this square into an afghan, so I trimmed my square as follows…

Row 9 (Dark Green): SL in corner space, CH 1, SC in the stitch above the CS from Row 8, (HDC x 5 in 1st space, SC in stitch above Row 8 PS, *HDC x 6 in next space, SC above Row 8 PS,* repeat *-* x 2, HDC x 5, SC above Row 8 CS, HDC x 7 in corner, SC in Row 8 CS,) repeat (-) x 3, SL to join, tie off!

Please share a photo if y’all try it out. I’m still learning to write patterns, so I would love the feedback!

Go! Have fun, play, explore.